Fishing Merit Badge

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Fishing Merit Badge

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:33 pm

Got a text message: "Good morning, this is Brice, I was in your Fishing MB class and all I need to finish is to catch a fish. I have gone fishing around the island 4 times adding up to about 15 hours. What do you recommend I do to fulfill the requirement of catching a fish?"

What Could I do? I called Brice and ask when he could go fishing with me. We met at the Wahiawa State Freshwater Fishing park at 9:00 Saturday morning... in the rain.

Bryce brought along his Dad and little sister, who had never been fishing. I set up my Back Yard Bass game in the empty parking lot and let her do some practice casting. Bryce and I worked on his casting a fly rod. Might as well finish the Fly Fishing merit badge while we were at it.

About 10:00 AM we had the boat in the water and headed toward Kemoo Island. The rain had stopped and it was getting hot. Water temperature was 82 degrees and we could see some scattered peacock bass schooling and chasing shad on the surface between Kemoo Island and Kemoo Farm. We started circling Kemoo island casting 2 inch white Sinkos on 4# test spinning tackle. Not 5 minutes later, Brice tied into a 2 ¼ pound peacock just before lifting his lure out of the water. The fish tore off line and jumped several times. He got it to the boat 5 times before I was able to get the dip net under it. Fishing merit badge completed.

We circled the island using the electric motor and casting Sinkos into the shore... Got some chases from smaller fish, so Bryce grabbed a fly rod and we handed little sister a bubble rig with a small gold fly and started catching the small peacock bass... stick fish, and a few red devils. Fly Fishing merit badge completed.

Then the 4th of July Fireworks exploded.... We found a Honey Hole just loaded with hungry fish... The kids started catching Red Devils and Channel Catfish just as fast as they could throw a lure in the water. From ½ to 2 pound size. After a few fish each the action slacked. These fish were "Bread Trained"... someone has been feeding them on a regular basis. We checked the boat and our back packs for anything we could use for bait... One can of Vienna sausage. It's soft and won't stay on the hook very well... but the Catfish and Red Devils loved it. When the sausage ran out, we called it a day. "Quit While You're Having Fun".

Everyone caught fish, Bryce came away with a Fishing and Fly Fishing merit badge, and an exciting time was had by all. LOL.

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"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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