I need to go fishing!

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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I need to go fishing!

Postby Stan Wright » Wed May 02, 2018 7:31 pm

I haven't been to the lake this year... If it wasn't the weather, it was a trip, or work, or something else...
The water level is high, but it's headed down again... so hopefully the fishing will be picking up with the warmer weather toward summer.

Have heard some reports of catching smaller peacock bass... under a pound size.
And it looks like some romantic peacocks are trying to pair up... so spawning can't be far away.
Wonder how this up and down water level will affect the spawning?
Seems the last few year just as soon as the peacocks started spawning, the rain comes along, and the water level rises 5 or 6 feet, and you can't find them.

We'll see how it goes this year. LOL
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Re: I need to go fishing!

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Fri May 04, 2018 11:01 am

The same thing for me, Stan. I have not gone in along time. Usually I would be going once or twice a week, now days it isn't worth it. Plus access is getting more and more limited. The urban campers are taking over the lake. Hopefully a dengue outbreak will wipe them out. Just kidding. Still on the cool side for this time of the year. Hopefully the fishing will get better.

Stan Wright
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Re: I need to go fishing!

Postby Stan Wright » Sun May 06, 2018 8:11 pm

Went fishing... lots of action on small peacock and red devils.
Fun... water level is coming down again.

Saw several more "Urban Outdoorsmen" around the lake and under the bridge.
Some places they are throwing rubbish into the lake.
Time to call the Health Department again. :)
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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