Schooling Peacock Bass

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Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Schooling Peacock Bass

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:49 pm

Everyone was saying how good the fishing was… schooling peacock bass. The more cloud cover the faster the action. I started seeing some fish chasing shad and busting the surface as I turned the corner by Shriners approaching Boy Scout Island. I worked on around to Mikimiki Flats and never made it to the Main Basin. Too much action.

The fish were selective. I caught on the little gold CastMaster, but later switched to the silver/blue…

and a bunch of lure styles and colors in-between.

Fast and erratic retrieve worked best for me. The shad they were chasing were small… I bet a fly rod would have worked best for me today.

I really wish I had a "Glitter Strip"… what we call a "Whipping Rig"
probably the sinking kind rather than the wood floater.

with a clear or firecracker glitter strip, or a twister tail. Something small to match the size of the shad.

Well, no matter. I was able to catch a few peacock bass, and there were some other guys around to visit with and share the fun. Doesn't get any better than that.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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