Report 2-1-14

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

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King Sushi level
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Report 2-1-14

Postby Filthyfisherman » Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:47 pm

Launched 11-5pm with Tony, 11 LM Bass, Rainy, Sunny, Wind SSE 3.2, Moon 8%, BP 29.86R, Temp 73.6, Water Temp 68-72 stained 2ft at the Dam and pretty clear up and down to the ramp and end of the Kincades, Level 69.86. The LM Bass are spread out on the Lake on Deep n Steep Wood. And Big wood laydowns were more productive. The rig's working today was a texas rigged 4" Filthy Ring Fry in Chartreuse color with a 3/16oz tung bullet and 3/0 EWG hook with 12lbs Fluro line. We used this casting up to Deep laydowns letting the lure fall a long ways 15-20ft. Covering deep prime areas we used Carolina rig's with 1oz egg sinkers with a glass bead tied to a barrel swivel with a 2ft leader and lazor sharp 091 round bend hook 3/0 with the Filthy ring fry in Chart color.. Also The Agent Utah a 3" stick lure in GreenPumpkin and BubbleGum with a 1/8oz tung bullet with a 2/0 EWG hook on light tackle worked around prime areas with branchy wood. Either Dark or Attractant Colors is working best. No Tucs, couple chasers but no takers working a few Filthyfishermen prototype plastic's. The Good areas were crowded but Spending more time on shallow wood trying for them prob woulda produced. All Filthyfishermen Plastic's which we use can be bought at Sawada's Store in Wahiawa on N.Cane St. Nate is a cool guy and you can get everything needed there including EWG hooks and bullet weights. Be Careful of Floating wood and trash on the lake!!!!

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