Fish on

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Fish on

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:02 pm

After seeing Stan and Charles post, I thought it was time to put the saltwater gear aside and hit the lake. I tried the south fork Friday afternoon, I got there about 5:00. The sun was lower than I expected so I thought I better fish at a faster pace. The water was "dark" and the wind was out of the west and the water was choppy, so the fishing was a little tough. Towards the end of my run it was getting late and I had no action yet. I mentally was ready to give up but I felt my best chance would be at the end of my run. I finally got bit at 5:45. I thought it was a stray one cause I did not see any others around. It turned out there was a school there, and I was getting strikes on the majority of my casts. At one point, I dropped the lure in the water and just pulled rod along and took a strike (fish came off). The bite was on till 6:30. I landed 20 + fish ranging from 1 to 4 pounds. Mostly good size fish. Had one fish cut me off. So never give up.

Saturday morning, I tried the north fork. Got there about 6:30, but there was no action for a while. There was no wind and the water had the normal visiblility. All of sudden, a school with good size fish appeared and I thought I would repeat yesterdays success. The fish were kind of sluggish though and I had to work hard for every strike. Stayed to 10 am, caught 20+ fish. A large one cut me off. I left just as a weak cold front moved in. It looks as though a lot of the adult fish have finished spawning so hopefully the bigger fish will bite better. I did see one fry ball on Saturday.

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