Tenkara line test

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Stan Wright
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Tenkara line test

Postby Stan Wright » Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:12 pm

I went to the lake today to test some fly lines on my different Tenkara rods.
I have the Amago 6:4 and the Ayu 5:5. I use a 5 foot leader of 4# test fluorocarbon.

First I tried a 13 foot level line. I like braided lines, and after trying
the level line on both rods... well I retired all my level lines.

Next was a regular level western style fly line. Size.-0000- and
13 feet long.
Works great on both rods... in the wind. I'll keep this one for
those strong trade wind days.

Now for the 13 foot braided line made from 4# test fluorocarbon line.
I like the way it cast on both rods. I can cast it in the wind
and I like the accuracy I get. But it does sink like a rock.
Good if you want a "sinking tip" fly line. Not so hot if your
trying to use a floating fly or popping bug.

Last I have a 13 foot braided fly line made from 2# test mono...
I like that it floats. It also seems lighter and worked the
small nymphs, floating flys, and a bluegill popper like a champ.
It's very much like the TenkaraUSA braided lines.

My 10 year old grand daughter borrowed the braided fly
line I bought from TenkaraUSA for her visit to Yosemite,
so I couldn't test it with the others. I do like it and used
it a lot before my friend started making braided lines for me.

I just like the braided line. I guess the taper makes it
easier for me to cast. Now I want to try some longer ones.

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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