HFFA early bass bite

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HFFA early bass bite

Postby shanai » Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:35 am

" The early bird catches the worm ", the same holds true for catching bass.

12 anglers in five boats brave the elements to fish in the February HFFA tournament. The weather conditions included blustery winds, light to moderate early morning rains and mostly an overcast day turning to more sunshine in the afternoon. Water level was about 70.5 ' with temperatures relatively cold starting around 68.5 degrees in the morning and warming up to only about 70 degrees by the afternoon.

Those anglers that got on an early bite pattern ( spinnerbait & jigs ) were rewarded with limit catches and more. One angler reported nine bass caught by 8:00 am, only an hour after starting fishing. Needless to say, the top four places in the afternoon weigh-in were the four anglers who caught their three fish limits and were culling fish throughout the day. One angler was really dialed into the bass, catching a limit by 7:30 am that included a 4.5+ LMB. He was able to catch another 4.5+ bass later in the day and had an impressive three fish limit (all bass) of 11.55 pounds.

If you were unfortunate to miss that early bite, the bite slowed down for the rest of the day. The catching for the other eight anglers was a different story as four were able to catch two fish each while the other four either had only a single fish or were blanked. In all 22 fish were weighed, 21 bass ( including a nice smallie ) and only one Tuc.

The joys of bass fishing, same waters different results. No matter if you were dialed in or a bum, all enjoyed being on the lake.

:D steve

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