Report 9-29-12

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

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King Sushi level
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Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:55 pm

Report 9-29-12

Postby Filthyfisherman » Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:12 am

Headed out 2-5pm, Bunch of LM Bass and 1 Tuc,,, Sunny, Prt Cloudy, Wind ENE 4mph, BP 29.97s, Level 70.75, WT 79-82 stained 2ft. The schooling action is small, but its that time... Fish are being caught with the New Kona Minnow 5" in Champain color rigged with 3/o EWG hooks. The earlier pattern last week and weeks before of getting them deeper has slowed down.... Covering water basically waiting for that schooling aciton and ghost casting around will put fish in your boat. Everyone is welcome to troll over to me while out fishing if you need lures or need some info whats working... Just make sure I don't have PEDRO on! Lol. Stay tuned for my PODcast tomarrow Filthy Fishing hawaii on Filthyfishermen Bait Co Facebook's page. Talking fishing and lure making stuff. I am going to start taking call in's interveiws.. Ah.. well see were it goes.. And I am going to open up my "Store", (The Factory) OPEN One Day a week at My House in my Garage Bay! I am thinking Mondays! (Gotta see with my crew) Open All day! All of our Lures Displayed, OUR Fish Attractant Sex Panther (KONA Coffee) Scent and lure conditioner, Terminal tackle, Rods, Reels, Plus Free Grab Bags, A Casting Game for Free Guided trips. Etc!!!! LIVE BAIT!!!!!!!!!!! EarthWorms and Minnows!!!!!!! So people know were they can grab lures. So Stay tuned.

And We Aren't having this month's Red Devil Tourney due to a heckit end of Sept for me and FF! So stay tuned!!!!! And NEED MORE PARTICAPATION!!!!! Down with the Red Devils! Lets improve our fishery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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