Report 8-26-12

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

King Sushi level
Posts: 301
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:55 pm

Report 8-26-12

Postby Filthyfisherman » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:33 pm

Fishing is a little tough right now... And if you dont randomly choose the right place to be in when the schooling takes place.. You just get a good show of Awesome Bass Destroying schools of shad!!! Something you can cast a mile! ZerraSpook? But Anyway Fishing 1-3pm,, Sunny, Prt Cloudy, Windy ENE 9mph gust of 23, BP 30.02F, Level 69.58, WT 83-85 Stained 3ft, Fishing a shakeyhead 3/16oz with a FF Treat worm 6" in BlueFleck fishing a Windy bank with a steep drop shaking it good in about 15ft 20ft. Then I started putting a little bit together,,, Windy banks!!!!!!! Posted up looking into the wind! Caught a bunch more in simlar spots but swtched up to an AGENT UTAH setup in Pumpkin color and did even better covering tight cover close to the banks, stuff getting blasted by the wind! .... Headed out with Chris tomarrow,, see if it holds up...

And we didn't hold the Red Devil Throw Down this month but will make it up in Sept,, Still tons of RD's everywhere,,,, everywhere Tuc's are!


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