HFFA Tournament report - 6/24

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HFFA Tournament report - 6/24

Postby shanai » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:09 pm

The monthly HFFA tournament was held yesterday - 17 anglers in ten boats participated. The weather was mostly overcast, some light showers with some periodic gusty winds. The water level was about 70 feet according to the gauge under the bridge. Sorry, did not get a water temperature reading.

The fishing was difficult for us without a functioning trolling motor especially with the occasional gusty winds. Most of the fish we caught were on deep diving and lipless crankbaits. The day started off well as my partner and I were both able to catch a fish within a 1/2 hour after starting to fish. He got his on a crankbait and I got mine on a jig. Sadly, it went downhill after that as the bite was sporadic for us. Our day was further complicated by not having a working trolling motor and steering difficulties with our main engine made our attempts to fish harder. Still, we enjoyed being on the water as opposed to being at home doing chores.

Not much busting action although we did see large schools of bass cruising the waters behind Kemoo Island. These bass weren't in a feeding mood as any lure thrown their way, the bass school just parted ways to let our lures swim by.

At the weigh-in, about half of the anglers caught their limit of three fish while others ranged between catching 1-2 fish. Most fish caught were bass with a few Tucs. No real size to speak of, as the bass were in the usual 1-2 pounds range with the Tucs between 2-4 pounds range. Club members Tom and Garey stayed behind after the weigh-in to measure and record lengths and weights of the fish as part of the on-going data recording for the lake management study.

steve :shock:

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