Pictures from Thursday Morning

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Stan Wright
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Pictures from Thursday Morning

Postby Stan Wright » Fri May 04, 2012 10:40 am

Arrived at BSA Island around 9 and the fish were schooling...
Good fun while it lasted. Also saw some guys catching smaller peacock bass close in by the island...

Water temperature got up to 80 degrees around noon. That might be why the fish were more active. Sprinkled rain off and on all morning... lots of wind.

Jeff Choi (Filthyfisherman Bait Co)was testing his new plastic worm colors on largemouth. He said the fishing was slow... but it seemed like every time I saw him he was catching or missing a fish. :lol:

One thing for sure, his replacement worms he made for me to use instead of the little white Senko... WORKS GREAT. It's a little thicker, slightly longer, made of much more durable plastic, heavier so it casts a lot farther. And I caught 3 fish on the same bait... Defiantly not a "one worm - one fish" kind of bait. Thank you Jeff.

Jeff with a nice largemouth bass.

Other than the way it looked this bass acted very healthy.

Thanks again Jeff for helping me land this fish.

Seems the spawning peacock bass were around today too.


"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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