Fish? How do you figure?

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:00 pm
Location: Hawaii

Fish? How do you figure?

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:19 pm

Chris had a good day Tuesday. Found the peacock bass schooling and chasing shad in the afternoon between Boy Scout Island and Kemoo Island. Landed over 30. All right at 2 pounds. White Senkos seemed to work best.

He dropped off his friends at 4:00 PM and headed back for some more fishing..... NOTHING. Where did the fish go?

Friday they got 7 Tukes and a few red devils.... no schooling fish at all.

Seems like I remember this time last year the schooling fish were everywhere, every day. How do you figure?


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