Good Fun Day

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:00 pm
Location: Hawaii

Good Fun Day

Postby Stan Wright » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:02 pm

I don't know how many fish we got today, 12 or 14 I guess. A real mixed bag.

We were working the shore line using 2 and 3 inch pink Senkos on 6# test spining outfits. I like the Senko because you can rig it weedless. I'm sure a jerk bait would have worked. Behind the boat we trailed a small talapia on 8#test.
The live bait accounted for two catfish (4# size) and a #3 peacock bass.

We saw some big peacock bass..... over 6 pound size. But it's hard to remember to wait till you feel the fish...... before you set the hook. LOL
Especially a big aggressive fish 10 feet away and charcing the boat.

There would be times and areas with no fish, and then everything would turn on.... lots of action, then everything stopped...... later in the day the fish were not there. And places we fished with no luck held lots of fish.??????? How do you figure?

We saw lots more fish, but they were "not interested in what we were selling." Also some small bass and red devils. It was a really fun day on the water.


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