nice fishing today...

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nice fishing today...

Postby chris16 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:57 pm

with only 2 boats in the lake the least i have seen in a while. the fishing was very very good. i had 27 tucs about 15-20 were over the 1- 2 pound range a few four pounders and the rest were runts i also had 2 large mouth both not tagged, i think the bass population is thriveing more then a few years ago. and also my dad had 22 tucs and 1 catfish about 5 pounds wat a fight on light tackle.

i also was throwing a popper withc i normaley dont do, and landed a nice 5 pounder. also to me for a run all over the lake. missed alot though on lures earleyer to. i usalley get mad when i can see tuc after tuc chase my jerkbait and miss grabbing it. but thats why they call fishing not catching fish!!!!


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