The Running Spoon

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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The Running Spoon

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:03 pm

What's that in his pocket? Twenty years ago I read about British SAS soldiers carrying a spoon with them all the time… so they could go around and "sample" what everyone else was cooking. They were called "Running Spoons". I have a big spoon on a para cord that I always wear when on Boy Scout camp outs… and "Run" around to visit all the different troop campsites. You never know when someone might offer you something to eat.

While taking Simon's Eagle Scout portrait, I noticed the spoon. He said that years ago when he was a very young scout I visited his troop and he learned about my "Running Spoon"… so he's carried one with him ever since. Simon said it was great during his Jr. and Sr. years in high school. He never had to buy lunch, just sampled everyone else's. LOL
His "Running Spoon" was something he wanted in his picture.

I guess I should be careful what I say and do… never know if some impressionable youth might be watching.

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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