Fishing for Fins 4/6/13

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Fishing for Fins 4/6/13

Postby shanai » Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:02 pm

The anykine anglers went out again for a morning of fishing and in search of papio to further the DNA tagging project for the DLNR.


Danny, Garey and Dean

We hit our favorite spot, the Ala Wai and in no time, the first papio of the day went 10 1/2 inches caught by Danny.


With CPR, the the fish was tagged, fin clipped and it was back to fishing.

The bite slowed down a bit but the samoan crabs were active and would hit any lure if it got close to it


Garey's kaku caught on his secret anykine bubble rig with a ripple shad


The morning ended with a bang as the biggest papio, at 12 inches of the day was caught. Another CPR moment before the fish was tagged, clipped and released.


Note the anykine secret lure: a 1/4 oz white road runner w/ a ripple shad

Another fun day for the anykine anglers

:D steve

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