Frito Pie

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Stan Wright
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Frito Pie

Postby Stan Wright » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:06 pm

:D Frito Pie

I've also heard it called Frito Chili Pie ( FCP )

Growing up in East Texas in the 50s and 60s, it was always
a treat to stop by the DQ on a cold winter afternoon and get
a Frito Pie. Total cost... 15 cents. A large RC Cola was 5 cents.
(a burger... 10 cents) :shock:

First get a single serving size bag of Fritos Corn Chips.
You can crush the chips or leave them whole... your choice.
Using scissors, cut along one side of the bag from top to bottom.
Now you have a disposable "bowl" filled with corn chips.
Time to add chili, chopped onions, grated cheese,
sweet relish, and catsup. (some people prefer mustard)

Yea, you can make it in a big glass baking dish at home in the oven,
but the real fun is everyone making their own and sitting around a camp fire.
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