The 2" White Senko

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Location: Hawaii

The 2" White Senko

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:00 pm

Many of you are probably wondering why I am so in love with the little white 2" Senko. Let me try to explain.

I have always enjoyed fishing ultra light tackle. Over 35 years ago Earnie Theador started "Ultra-Lite Hawaii", a fishing club that only used 1#, 2#, and 4# test line. Even back then the inshore fishing was declining. So it was use 15# or 20# test line and hopefully catch one 5 pound papio in a days fishing, or use 2# test line and catch 10, one pound papio... and a lot of other little fish.
Use light tackle, smaller lures, and you catch more fish. Granted the fish were little, but you had a lot more action... a lot more fun.

Let's move to Lake Wilson. Checking the HFFA tournament reports and the tagging records... even those big Mainland bass tournament records, and you'll find the "average size bass caught" weighs a little under 2 pounds.

Yes, I believe in the "big lure, big fish" rule. On the other hand, I go fishing to have fun... and catching fish is fun. :roll: (We little kids don't care how big a fish is, we just want to catch something ). I had rather catch 20 peacock bass weighing under 2 pounds, than just one or two fish over 5 pounds.
Besides, if your using ultra-light tackle, that 1 pound peacock bass will give you an excellent run for your money. Scale down the size of your tackle to match the size of you fish.

Now, why the Senko?

I fish primarily for the peacock bass. The 2 inch size... both in length and diameter... pretty closely matches the size of the shad that the peacock bass feed on. Match the Hatch. Use a lure that closely matches what they are feeding on.

I'm in a boat about 20 feet from shore throwing lures right against the grass and brush. We're talking just inches from shore, where all the little tiny baitfish hide. The Senko can be rigged Texas Style... weedless. If I cast into the grass or over a tree limb, no problem... it's weedless and I don't get hung up and spend lots of time moving in close to shore to retrieve lures... like the ones with two treble hooks.

The peacock bass seem to like the Senko retrieved in a fast erratic action... right at, or on, the surface. Another deadly retrieve is to raise your rod tip and reel just fast enough so the Senko leaves a "V" wake at the surface. ( the shad leave a "V" wake on the surface ) The Senko can be fished in a way that excites the fish.

With the Senko right at the surface, you see all the strikes. (and near misses):lol: A peacock bass will come charging your lure form 10 feet away, like a torpedo pushing water, and smash the lure. (Let me advise you here... DO NOT set the hook... just keep reeling. Also, DO NOT stop, just keep reeling. I've had peacock bass miss the lure 5 times on one cast before they finally hook up. ) Again, don't worry about setting the hook. just keep reeling, the peacock bass will set the hook for you. There is nothing as exciting as a surface strike.

Why white? Because I can see the lure. I watch the lure to see the strike. The fish don't seem to care. I've caught peacock bass on red, black, brown, blue, green, pearl,and pink senkos. I use white because I can see it better.

Because the lure is small I can use my light 4# test spinning tackle. It's lighter so I don't get as tired as I do with heavier gear and larger lures.

Comparing the cost of lures vs plastics... plastic is a lot cheeper.

You see those Bass Pros on TV set the hook, skip the fish across the waters surface and swing it up into the boat. That's tournament fishing. I figure the average guy just wants to catch some fish, and light tackle will get you a lot more strikes and a lot more fish in a days fishing. The 2" white Senko is the best bait we've found.

Gary Yamamoto designed the 2 inch Senkos for the Japan Market. They are no longer manufactured and last year I bought out the entire remaining stock. When those are gone... they are all gone.

I'm working with Jeff to produce a "senko" type lure through his Filthyfisherman Bait Co. He feels the size should be about the same, but Jeff is experimenting with density and types of plastic... I can't wait. From what I've seen so far, these new baits will be a real winner.

"You can catch Big fish on a Little Hook,
But you can't catch Little fish on a Big Hook.

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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