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King Sushi level
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Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:37 am
Location: Honolulu


Postby shanai » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:31 am

The anykine anglers were out again on Saturday at our secret location in search of anykine fish. One of the things that we encounter on our anykine adventures are the many different kinds of anykine fish that we see in the waters.

Stuff like spotted eagle rays, spiny balloon fish, mullet, and weke are common
residents. Today we came across something that although not rare, is kinda uncommon, a seahorse. Anykine angler Garey spotted the elusive fish floating in the water. It was a treat to see this creature in the water although it was also kind of sad, knowing that many of these creatures end up being caught and sold to collectors and/or pet stores.

While we did not tag or fin clip any papio today, we did manage a couple of Kaku like this one below ( caught on a secret yozuri lure )

and this small Lai


" It's not the size of the fish in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the fish "

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