Christmas Island
"Bonefish Capitol of the Pacific"
November 2006
We booked our Christmas Island fishing adventure through Nervous Water Fly Shop in Honolulu.
Thanks again Sean.
"I think the fishing is better today than it was 25 years ago when we first started fishing there!"
Stan Wright, "Let's Go Fishing" TV Show The new Air Pacific 737-700. Christmas Island is just under 3 hours south of Hawaii, 115 miles north of the equator.
Ray and Steve are bonefishermen from California.
The new Villages Lodge opened in June 2006. At the moment it can handle up to 12 anglers a week.
The Villages is a 30 minute drive from the airport and located right on the lagoon just 5 minutes from the fishing flats.
Lots of hot water in the shower and cool air conditioning in the room.
Each room had a nice ice box filled with water, soda, and beer.
Each afternoon over Pupus (Sashimi, fried breadfruit,a fish dish, etc.) we plan the next days fishing adventure.
The boat picks up the anglers on the beach right in front of the lodge.
Each day we took the boat to a different fishing location. So many flats, so many bonefish.
There is a guide assigned for every 2 anglers. Stephen fishing at Paris 1.
Head Guide, Teannaki holds a Christmas Island bonefish.
Small bluefin travelli.
Don't you hate it when a fly fisherman puts the rod in his mouth and holds the fish with his hands?
My 4 pound Christmas Island bonefish.
A school of giant Manta Rays inside the lagoon.
Bob helps Steve with his very first GT (Ulua).
Teannaki and Timothy with a nice GT.
With 40 pound Yellowfin Tuna (Ahi) jumping out of the water all around you, it's hard not to try a cast or two.
Stephen with his first ever Ulua. A hard fighting 40 pounder.
I'll stick with the smaller stuff, like this 8 pound bluefin travelli.
This "red rock trout" was guest of honor at dinner that night.
During a lunch break at Paris Pt., Steve tries a little spin casting.
Nice "Sweetlips"...... they taste great too.
The Queen Fish (Lai) loves to take a fly or lure. It jumps, runs, and also tastes great.
Speaking of dinner... The food was 5-Star.
We had lobster twice that week. One or two fish dished each evening. Giant clam, octapus, and meat dishes. And the breakfasts! Wow.
Several nights after dinner we were treated to local entertainment.
Fairy Turn.
Teannaki showed me how to catch Mantis Shrimp. Start with a piece of fish tied to a strong line. Find the hole and grab the MS when it goes for the bait.
Yea, right. Can you see those sharp claws/ But they sure taste great.... better than lobster.
If you don't like fishing or bird watching, Don't go to Christmas Island.
Fish and Birds live in the most beautiful places.
Hooked up to another bonefish.
So many flys. Don't worry, the fish like them all.
A small GT took this fly on the flats.
Stan with a "flying fish".... no wait that's a "booby".
Stan - Bird - Guide. Are we having fun yet or what?
Gathering storm clouds over the lagoon at Christmas Island.
One of the boats anchored in front of the Villages fishing lodge.
Fun before the storm... Kids swimming in front of the Villages Fishing Lodge.
I've made many trips to Christmas Island over the years. It's a fantastic place to fish.
Here are some of the pictures from Sean and Kevin on their last visit to Christmas Island! They are the owners of Nervous Water Fly Shop in Honolulu. This was a trip to explore all the many fishing opportunities that Christmas Island has to offer.
My pictures are from our 2005 trip.
Christmas Island from the air. Look at all those bonefish flats.
The Villages, the newest fishing lodge.